The India - Nepal Dispute (Part 1)

The Indo - Nepal Dispute
(Part 1)
Since many decades India & Nepal,have shared the relation of Peace & Brotherhood by there open borders,deep rooted man to man contact & culture.
But today, there is a new issue rising between these nations. Here I'll let you know about the actual reason behind this dispute.

1. The Anglo Nepalese war

Duration: November 1, 1814  to.                                               March 4, 1816
  • Oppositions : The Kingdom of Gurkha vs                                       British East India Company
  • Reason:a)The Kingdom of Gurkha strongly                         resisted British against trading                           within their boundaries.                                   b)Both oppositions tried expanding                       boundaries by any means, this put                     them against eachother.

2. The Sugauli Treaty

The Anglo Nepalese war ended with Sugauli Treaty on 4/3/1816.

Nepal lost : Sikkim (including Darjeeling).                              Territory of Kumaon&Gharwal.                         Weatern Tarai (foothills).
Terms.       : River Mechi & River Mahakali                             was decided  as the eastern &                               western border of Nepal.  

British found it difficult to control the Tarai region thus it was again handed over to Nepal.River kali was accepted as the border between India and Nepal. But the origin of River Kali, wasn't declared as the boundary hence India & Nepal Border remains unclarified.

Nepal was under monarchy until 2008,until then India and Nepal had friendly relations. But now due to Anti- Indian political parties and with support of China,Nepal had started threatening India.

I'll cover the conflict in the next part.



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