Nuclear Bomb

Nuclear Bomb:

The Power You Know;The Story You Don't


Every age is defined by its innovations,the greatest advances are born out of furious struggle between the rivals. The "Nuclear weapon" is also an outcome of such rivalry from the dark past of this world

1.History: The Origin of the Rival

  • Due to rising issues and tensed condition between the Triple Alliance(Austria, Hungary, Germany)and the Triple Entente (France, Russia, Great Britain) WW1 was fought between 1914-1918. The war came to an end with the defeat of Germany and the Versailles Treaty.
  • The Versailles Treaty was signed on 28/6/1919, according to it Germany was forced to accept all the demand of the victors,they were also forced to pay the compensation for the damage.
  • This not only dismantled Germany into colonies but also humiliated them. This humiliation lead to revenge mindset and the rivalry between two nations.

2.J.Robert Oppenheimer & Werner Heisenberg

  • Nuclear reaction releases about 50million times more energy than a chemical reaction. Splitting an atom emits finite amount of energy,but doing it on a large scale emits enormous unpredictable energy,the question was it possible???
  • Oppenheimer (America)saw it as a great revolution...but he wasn't the only one. Idea of developing a bomb was also a radical question within the mind of Heisenberg(Germany),and both of them knew that it won't stay that way for long.

3.The Race towards destruction

  • Heisenberg and Oppenheimer were on frontline of new battlefield, trying to unleash the destructive power of atomic bomb. This race took the world to new frontier & changed the world forever.
  • Untill 1939 Germany was a way ahead of America. On 2nd August 1939 Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the President of America-Roosevelt regarding the progress made by Germany in developing an atom bomb.
  • America,then formed a new program named as"MANHATTAN PROJECT" for the development of nuclear bomb,lead by Oppenheimer.

4.The Twist in the Story

  • Hitler never supported too much for the scientific research,thus Heisenberg wasn't able to make a remarkable progress.
  • However while ongoing experiment in his lab,in 1943 something went wrong and it set Heisenberg's lab into fire 🔥,this proved a great setback for Germany.
  • During this period America made a remarkable takeover. America made use of Plutonium to develope the bomb over traditional Uranium 235.

5.The American Supremacy

  • With the beginning of year 1945, America was in its final stage of developing a nuclear bomb.
  • German power had become very now, finally on 3rd July 1945 Heisenberg was arrested.
  • Within 3 weeks in July 1945 America tested one Uranium and two Plutonium bombs at Los Alamos ,New Mexico (The Trinity Test).
  • Thus now America was the only country in the world who had the nuclear weapon.

6.Show time

  • With an intention to end the war on a high note,on 6th & 9th August 1945, America dropped a bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively.
  • The sarcastic part about this incidence was that destruction was applied to achieve world peace😃

7.The Trinity Test and Bhagavad-Gita

  • After the Trinity Test Oppenheimer said ,"At current conditions if there is anything that the western world can take from India,then it is the Bhagavad-Gita".
  • Recalling the verses of the holy Hindu Scripture he also said , "If the radiance of the thousands of suns were to be burst at once into the sky. That would be the splendor of the mighty one "........"I'm become  death,The destroyer of worlds"

J.Robert Oppenheimer is realised as "The Father of The Nuclear weapon".

- Aniket Pawar



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