Operation Wrath of God : The Preface

Operation Wrath of God
The Preface
The Operation Wrath of God,was a covert operation directed by Mossad
( Israel Intelligence agency) to assassinate the terrorist involved in 1972 Munich Massacre in which 11 Israeli Olympic team members were brutally killed.
This Operation was a great example to the world for not compromising against terrorism...... whatever it takes.

1. What is Palastine??
  • Palastine is an officially recognised sovereign state by UN, sharing its borders with Israel & Egypt.

2. Political relation of Israel & Palastine

  • Right from their independence (14/5/1948),Israel had a continuous conflict with Palastine.
  • The conflict was whether or not Palastine should form it separate nation within the land control by Israel.

Israel had a brutal control over Palestine,since then Palestine liberation organisation (PLO) was formed to liberate Palestine from Israel.

3. What is Munich??

Munich is the capital of most popular city of Bavaria. After the fall of Berlin, unique became a recognised city of West Germany.

4. The Munich Olympics.

  • Germany hosted the summer Olympics at Munich in year 1972 (26/8 - 11/9).
  • The Olympic village was created at Munich, where are all the Olympic games took place.

5. The Munich massacre.

  • A group of a terrorist of PLO named as   "Black September" entered the Olympic village and took over the 11 Israel players.
  • 3 of the 11 players for shot down and the remaining 8 were captured.
  • The terrorist demanded Israel to free 234 PLO prisoners jailed in Israel, but Israel didn't compromised with the terrorist as a result terrorist killed 2 more Israel players.
  • Israel ask permission to Germany to have a special operation to kill the Black September group but Germany denied it,respective of the Olympics.
  • The Black September group ordered Germany to let them go safely, Germany followed their words and arranged helicopter for them.
  • As the helicopter took off, Germany's Special forces attacked the helicopter, during this course the terrorist killed remaining Israel players captured by them

The fare game of Olympics was now disgraced by the murder of 11 Israel players.



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