SIACHEN (1/3) : The High Altitude Battlefield

The High Altitude Battlefield
Right from their independence,India and Pakistan began their shared history of bloodshed. Despite multiple attempts for peace,Indo-Pak border remains the disputed border in the world.
This blog is about the SIACHEN... termed as the worlds highest battlefield till the date.

1. What is SIACHEN ? Is it very important ?

  • Siachen is Glacier region,located in eastern Karakoram range of Himalayas,just northeast of point NJ9842 on the Line of Control (LOC).
  • Siachen Glacier is located at 6000 mtrs above sealevel and a 30mile long patch,which is also the second longest glacier in the non polar region.

  • It a geographical region with negligible population & least economic importance. But it is the most important geopolitical area for India as it seperates Pakistan &China.

2. Pakistan's claim

  • The Karachi treaty & Shimla Treaty were the 2 peace treaties held between India & Pakistan till the date.
  • From both the treaties UN officials presumed that,Siachen being a Cold &Barren region,it won't lead any disputes between both nations.
  • But it wasn't decided who would control Siachen.
  • Considering both treaties,the LOC that seperated India &POK,terminated at point NJ9842 ( At the foothills of Siachen).
  • Thus it indirectly depicted that Siachen was Indian territory.
  • But since late 1963 Pak ,began giving approval for western expendition to the parts of Siachen,and thus began claiming Siachen a Pakistani territory.

3. Indian Appraisal

  • Untill 1977 non of the nation had permanent military control over Siachen.
  • India was till then unaware about Pakistan's claim in Siachen.
  • In 1977, Colonel Narendra Kumar then commanding officer of army's High Altitude Warfare School (HAWS),came to know about American conspiracy of justifying Siachen as a part of Pakistan.
This is the map by US Defence Mapping Agency, claiming Siachen as the part of Pakistan.

Thereafter India made sheer attempts to get control of Siachen and eventually became successful.



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