Operation Wrath of God : The Execution

Operation Wrath of God
The Execution

The operation Wrath of God was a 16 year long mission conducted by Mossad.
Every individual terrorist of Palestine liberation organisation (PLO) was searched across the world and shoot to death,to revenge the murder of 11 Israel Olympic players in Munich Olympics 1972.

1. The Plan of Operation

  • Within a week of Munich massacre, the Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir,formed a Committee X.
Golda Meir(2)

  • This committee came to a conclusion that to deter future terrorist actions against Israel, they should assassin every individual terrorist of PLO.
  • After these conclusions,Mossad was given orders to search and Assassin The terrorist of PLO.

"An Eye for an Eye",was Israel's swift & devastating stand against the terrorist.

2. The Execution

  • The first assassination took place on 16th October 1972, the Palastainean - Wael Zwaiter,was killed in Rome.
  • For next 16 years ( untill 1988) the series of assassination continued.
  • All the listed terrorist of PLO,were searched form accross the world and were killed by hitting 11 bullets,on behalf of 11 killed players in Munich Massacre.

The Operation Wrath of God had to face a lot of criticism in world Politics as some innocent people were also killed.
But it stood a great example to the world for not compromising against terrorism.



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