Hong Kong ; The Inside Story(1/2)

Hong Kong;
The Inside Story
The Megacity of Hong Kong, is the economic power hub of Asia.
It is technically a part of China but it is far different by many aspects from the mainland China.
Please read this blog for more information.

1. The British and China

  • British initiated their trade with China in the mid of 17th Century.
  • Later British started trading Opium from India to China.
  • The Qing Dynasty of China, considered Opium as poison and imposed restriction for the use of Opium.
  • Qing imperial began debate regarding how the trade of Opium could be terminated,but all the efforts were in vain.

2. The Opium War

  • The trade of Opium rose tension between British and Qing Rulers.
  • Finally,in 1839 both of them came across a war aka 1st Opium War.

  • This war lasted from 1839 to 1842 and British emerged victorious in that.

3. The Treaty of Nanking

  • A treaty was signed between British & China in 1898 at Nanking.
  • According to it, Hong Kong island was ceded to British on a lease of 99 years.
  • British were given full control over HK,for the course of time.

4. 1 Country,2 Systems

  • The 99 years lease ended on 1July,1997,China grew much powerful during this time.
  • On 1st July 1997,a special agreement was signed between the Primers of  England & China known as," One Country,Two System"

  • According to it,HK would be China's special administration region.HK would maintain it's seperate governing and economic system for next 50 years (2047)

Technically HK is a part of China,but possess high level of autonomy,(similar to J&K before removal of Article 370 & 35A),this situation will continue till 2047.
But China don't want to wait that long and this is the reason behind the present violence in HK.



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